Nin – the oldest Croatian royal town

Last summer we spent part of our vacation on the island Pag – its great location and good connections with the mainland (the Pag bridge) provided us with an opportunity for additional „research“ and day trips. On one of those trips we have visited old town Nin. Nin is a small town located about 15… Continue reading Nin – the oldest Croatian royal town

“Krumpirusa” or potato strudel

Croatia is a small country and throughout history she had many countries that ruled her. The influence of different „masters“ can be recognized in our kitchen. One of the empires that ruled part of today’s Croatia (in 15.century)  was the Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey). Except that nowadays many of our housewives (and “housemen”) adore Turkish… Continue reading “Krumpirusa” or potato strudel

Spaghetti all’aglio, olio e peperoncino

Or in short, just aglio e olio is one of my favorite dishes. It is on our table at least once a week. It’s, simple, cheap and delicious! Spaghetti aglio olio is traditional Italian pasta, some say that it is originaly from Naples, and the  others claim it comes from Abruzzo. I’m not Italian, so… Continue reading Spaghetti all’aglio, olio e peperoncino

The hidden gem of the Adriatic sea

As I mentioned earlier, I’m from Croatia – little country of more then a thousand islands. One of those islands is the island Olib – and I’m free to say it is real hidden gem of the Adriatic. Located on the border of north Dalmatia and Kvarner, and it belongs to the northern Dalmatia islands.… Continue reading The hidden gem of the Adriatic sea

Dvigrad – hidden ruins in the heart of Istria

I come from Croatia, the country with thousands of islands, and several of the peninsula. One of the peninsulas, the largest in the Adriatic Sea, is called Istria. Istria is shared by Slovenia, Italy and Croatia, but most of it is in Croatia. Istria is magical land, full of secrets and legends, beautiful architecture and… Continue reading Dvigrad – hidden ruins in the heart of Istria

Hokkaido pumpkin cream soup

Hokkaido pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne ssp. maxima convar.) is excellent for both sweet and savory dishes. This queen among pumpkins is great because of its’ low calorie level, and the fact that she’s full of vitamines, fibres and minerals, so it would be a shame not use it now, in zenith of her harvest. Here… Continue reading Hokkaido pumpkin cream soup

Cheese, olive and wine and much more

Hello world! I’m not new to blogging, but I’m new here :). One should ask – why? There’s not exact answer. I guess we all try to improve ourselves with time. Improvement and progress, always going forward – never completely satisfied with the things you’ve done because you know you can do it better. This… Continue reading Cheese, olive and wine and much more